Today PalaceApp went to the Croydon High Streets Conference 2019 being organised by Save The High Street.
Save The High Street is a national movement that champions the UK high street, providing help and support to local businesses and councils.
Today they launched their top ten local marketing tips for local businesses as voted by their advisory board.
These were:
1. Having a website with clear branding and contact info.
2. Fixing any incorrect or inconsistent business listings.
3. Responding quickly to negative reviews.
4. Offering customer service and sales training for your team.
5. Creating content that communicates why you are different.
6. Defining the keywords that you want to be found by on search engines.
7. Build marketing partnerships with other local businesses.
8. Seeing online analytics data about how many people visit you online.
9. Building and engaging followers on Instagram.
10. Regularly updating your shop window.
Thanks to Alex and all the team at Save The High Street. If you’re a local business or council, please do check them out. They provide local business support services through JoinJo.